Common Questions About HTML HyperEdit

Outlined below are some common questions asked about HTML Hyperedit. If your question is not answered here, please feel free to email me at

Is the a preview function available?
Currently, not within HTML HyperEdit. The easiest way is to use a viewer such as Mosaic or Cello. For example, you could drop the file from the file manager onto a Mosaic window to open it. Or simply open a local URL to your local hard disk, and then through to your HTML file.

All you have to do then is to press the reload button every time you want to view the changes.

Why is it not WYSIWYG?
Its early days yet. This may come. However, for the purposes of teaching and learning HTML, seeing the tags is useful.

Why does it give me an error during a search?
I've still got to track this down. It happens if you wrap around a search and the "search this page only" is not selected. When you perform a search, ensure that "search this page only" is selected in the search dialog.

Why does placing paragraph markers and converting brackets and ampersands take so long?
Because I haven't optimised those routines yet. I'll probably need to convert them to a lower level language such as C.

Why can't I load long documents?
This is high on my priority list for fixing. Its a current limitation of the development environment, I'm looking for a workaround.

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